Dear 4A Families,
It is hard to believe that October is almost over! This month has flown by. We are all excited for the Halloween party on Tuesday. Thank you to our room mom Michelle Porth for organizing this fun event and to all the parents that are assisting with the party. Students may wear orange and black Halloween themed clothing on Tuesday. No face paint please, and be sure to follow all free dress guidelines.
There will be no homework on Tuesday! Happy Halloween.
Conferences: Parent/Student/Teacher conferences are fast approaching. If you have not already done so be sure to sign up for your conference on Sign Up Genius.
The big day is this Wednesday, November 1st for the All Saints Day Mass!
Students should come to school completely dressed as their saint—We need to be heading over to the church right at 8:25—which is when the the second bell rings. Students should be in the building no later than 8:15. We will let the 4th graders enter the building at 8:05 this day. Thank you for getting your little “saints” here on time.
You will find a “Reserved for Saint……..” in each pew. If you are able to come to the Mass, look for your child’s reserved sign and sit in the pew with them. Please do not take pictures before or during the service. Also, please leave the “Reserved for” signs in the Church after Mass as we will need them on Sunday. You may take them home following the Sunday Mass.
Sunday, November 5th the Mass begins at 10:30. Your reserved signs will be in the pews. There may be some changes of position from the Friday Mass as there will be several students from the Faith Formation classes joining us. Your children should remain with you until Mrs. Podell and I request they head to the back of the church to line up for the entrance. Those students that have signing parts should plan to arrive by 10:10 and meet Paul Dolejsi up front to practice prior to the Mass.
Pike Place Market! Next Tuesday the 7th we will be heading off to wonderful Pike Place Market. Students are required to wear their uniforms, but they can wear their Gator Gear or their red Holy Rosary sweatshirts to the Market. All students should wear good shoes for walking. Students will need to bring a sack lunch to eat with a beverage, and they may bring $5.00 to $10.00- to spend at the Market, but no more please. There is no cost for this field trip, but there is a cost for parking. If you are not driving and would be able to send in 2-3 dollars to help with the parking costs we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
Please make every effort to also send in a donation or two—or three… for the Pike Market Food Bank. We are hoping to have lots of donations to bring with us on Tuesday. Thank you so much!!!
Our schedule has been working around Mass practices and MAP testing for the last few weeks. We have done our best to vary the classes we have missed and the students have been very flexible. I am so proud of the effort the they have been putting into their projects and the practices! It is all great learning, but it will be nice to get back to a more normal routine next week.
Religion: The students will be visiting preschool, kindergarten and 3rd grade in their saint costumes on Wednesday following the Mass. They have been working so hard on their reports and costumes. It is nice to have a chance to share with some of the other grades.
Spelling: The spelling words for Unit 8, long I sounds, were passed out last Friday. The test will be this Friday as usual.
Math: We will be wrapping up our addition and subtraction chapter this week. Look for math homework on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. All students should visit Xtramath at least twice this week from home. Thank you.
Social Studies: Look for corrected Midwest State tests in your child’s filer on Monday. I will be sending home the Latitude and Longitude tests once all students have completed them—no later than Friday. Our class work will focus on preparations for the Pike Place Market field trip next week. We will not have a new set of states, but the students will have a review/combination West/Southwest/Midwest State test on Wednesday, November 8th. All students will have a study sheet in their filer on Monday. The online practice for locations can be found here. Students should use the previous abbreviation sites: West/SW here and Midwest here.
Veterans Day: On Thursday we will send home detailed directions and materials for the Veterans Day Flag project. I will go over the project in detail in class so that the students know what to do. The project is due no later than Wednesday the 8th. Next Thursday, the 9th, we will have a classroom prayer service to honor the Veterans using these flags. If you do not have a family member or friend that is a veteran here is one site you can explore to find a Veteran to write about and honor.
Be sure to let me know if you have any questions about anything that is going on…we are very busy in 4th grade.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!