Week of May 17th

Dear 4A Families,

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful, sunny weekend.

What an amazing week of history and entertainment we had listening to the outstanding oral biography presentations.  I was so impressed with the quality of their talks.  The students showed knowledge of the topic, creativity, expression (PVLEGS) and heart!  It is clear how hard they worked.  Thank you parents for the support you provided at home on this project. I loved that the students really seemed to be having fun when they presented.

It is hard to imagine we are down to only 4 weeks of school!  We do have a lot of great learning ahead.  Thank you for your support with homework and test preparation.

Just a reminder that we in music on Tuesday all students will be taking part in a talent show. Students will prepare an act of their choice, (to be ONLY 20-30 seconds max), and present in music class this week. No costumes, please. The act does not have to be musical, any talent is accepted.

Looking ahead, the 4th grade students will be taking the MAP tests May 25-27. 

Language Arts: There will be a spelling test this week on Thursday. The words all have the suffixes -ful or -ness.  The students will begin planning a creative writing story inspired by our novel; From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler. This writing assignment will also require the students to do a little research on Seattle and the surrounding areas for the setting of their stories so we will get some Washington State History while we work!

Religion: The students have been learning about and reflecting on the Catholic Social Teachings. We will begin our study of the Beatitudes this week as well. 

Math: On Thursday, all fourth grade students will be taking a placement test for fifth grade. This test will give us important information into placing students into math classes for next year. We will use a wide range of information from the whole year, and this test is just one more piece of information. We are also continuing our chapter on fractions and decimals. The test for this chapter will be on Thursday, May 27th, right before the long weekend.  

Science: This week, we are continuing with our energy and speed unit. Students have been creating a Twist-o-matic, which is a new amusement park ride. Using rubber bands, they are experimenting with the ride to see how to make it spin on its own. What makes it go faster or slower? After this week, students will bring their Twist-o-matics home, and you can experiment together!

Social Studies: The students should be practicing for the Washington Map feature test that will take place next Wednesday, May 26th. The students have online sites to review, but I encourage families to quiz their children using the study sheet they all have. The map has a blank side and a filled in side. Extra copies are available on this link. Our class work will continue to focus on the early history of Washington and Seattle with the Denny Party and Mother Joseph. 

Girls on the Run: You should have received an email with all of the information for the Community Impact Project and 5K on Thursday, May 20th. If you need that information, please let Ms. Benson know ASAP! Please remember to bring your items for our Project (Lunches of Love) on Tuesday. We will be making lunches during practice. Thank you for your support. This will give a good supply for the summer! The 5K is this Thursday! The girls should wear their blue GOTR shirts to school on Thursday. Running Buddies will meet us no later than 3:20 on Thursday in the lower parking lot, and we will get our race started! 

Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead!  I appreciate you all so much!