Holy Week

untitledDear 4A Families,

Holy Week has arrived. Much of our focus this week will be related to Holy Week events and study. On Tuesday the students will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Students need to be prepared and ready to speak with Father in the confessional. They may choose face to face or behind the screen.  On Holy Thursday we have two events. In the morning the whole school will gather to bring over the items we have been collecting all Lent to be blessed before they are distributed to the various organizations that will receive them.

Please send in items for this collection by Thursday at the latest:

  1. Monetary donations for St. Vincent de Paul
  2. Canned food
  3. Toothbrushes, deodorant, socks, multivitamins, diapers and/or wipes.

On Thursday afternoon we will meet with our Faith Families to celebrate Holy Thursday together. On Friday we will gather in the church for The Stations of the Cross. We will be dismissing in silence following the Stations as well as during the final dismissal of the day. Thank you for helping support this action of respect. Please remember, uniforms are required for the service on Friday.


I was so proud of the amazing oral biography presentations the students gave last week.  It was clear to see the effort and time that was put into the preparation.  The students should all be very proud of themselves!  I know I am.  Grade sheets will come home with the students on Monday (if they have turned in their reflections sheets and bibliographies).  Thank you all for the hard work and time that was spent helping your child prepare and practice.

stanleyFlat Stanley Journals will be coming home on Wednesday. Full directions for the project will be in your child’s filer, as well as on the website in the tabs above. We will have completed the first entry together at school. These journal entries are expected to be quality and show the student’s best writing and effort. Students should do rough drafts before they write in their journal.


  • There is a spelling test this Friday for lesson 17.
  • There will be math homework most nights this week.
  • Spanish test on Tuesday
  • Examine conscience for reconciliation on Tuesday.
  • Flat Stanley Journals will be sent home on Wednesday. Students should average one entry a week in order to complete their journals by May 11th.

Wishing you all a blessed

Easter and Spring Break.