Week of April 29th

Dear 4A Families,

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and spring vacation. We now are in the final stretch of the year—hard to believe. As we head into these final weeks it can be easy to lose focus and dream of summer, but so much important curriculum remains which sets the stage for 5th grade. Thank you for your support in keeping your child focused and attentive to projects, test preparation and homework. Hopefully the students are rested up and ready to go!

Class Pictures on Tuesday:

All students need to come in perfect uniform with a red HR sweatshirt, sweater or vest.  If you have not yet turned in your order forms please do so by Tuesday.  Forms were sent home the week of April 8th.  You can get new forms from the office if needed.

Curriculum and Homework:

Religion: This week we will be reflecting on the Easter Season and making Easter Candle Crosses to decorate our classroom and hallway. We will begin our study of the Beatitudes and learn about the true happiness that comes from serving others.

Math: Our upcoming math lessons focus on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions, which will lead us into decimals. Look for math homework each night this week. Thank you for checking over your child’s work for accuracy.

untitledReading: We will be moving forward with our reading of From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler. Along with our reading we will focus on figurative language, vocabulary and root words.  The figuratieve language review will work perfectly with our Flat Stanley writing as well.

ZZ78086193Flat Stanley/LA: Hopefully your child’s “Flat Stanley” was included in some fun spring break activities and pictures. The students have just over three weeks to complete their journal entries.  Remember, each entry needs to include at least one example of figurative language.  All entries should be final draft, best quality.  Please review the directions as needed.

Mystery Book Report:  The students should be reading their mystery.  Next week I will be sending home a form for the students to fill out describing what they will be doing for their book talk/presentation.

Spelling: The list for Unit 27 were sent home before spring break. The test will be this Friday as usual.

Social Studies: The Oregon Trail activities will be wrapped up this week as we move into the early history of Washington State and Seattle.

Mark you calendars!

ZZ7C03A0A64th Grade Charity Bake Sale will take place on Thursday, May 16. We will need parent volunteers to help set up, price and monitor/assist with the selling from about 9:45-1:00. You can sign up to come in at any point during these hours. Please email me if you will be able to help out. All families are asked to send in some delicious baked goods to sell. More info coming as we get closer to the date.

Our end of the year field trip is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12th. This trip has two parts that focus on our Washington State History and celebrate a wonderful year. First, we head down under to the Underground Tour and learn about the early history of Seattle. Next we head to Alki Beach, where the Denny Party first landed to have lunch and play in the sand. We will be sending out permission slips next week.  Remember, if you want to drive/attend the on field trips your Called to Protect obligations need to be updated.


  • Spelling Unit 27. Test will take place on Friday.
  • Math homework each night
  • Reading mystery book
  • Practice recorders.

Have a wonderful week everyone.