Dear 4A Families,
We had a fantastic Valentine party on Friday. Thank you so much to Racheal Lynch and all the parents that helped out with this fun event. Thank you also for the sweet valentines. I was so impressed with the creative Valentine boxes the students created. A great time was had by all!
Looking ahead:
Oral Biography Projects: Hopefully all of the students are immersed in reading and researching their chosen biography choice. This is not a project that can wait until the last minute. Next week we will spend some time in class talking about the presentations and how to best prepare. They will see some samples and I will answer any questions that the students have. We will also teach strategies for successful note taking. All students should bring their biographies to school on Wednesday, the 19th. I will also be going over how to write bibliographies, and give the students a form they can use to simplify the process at a later date. There is a tab above (called Oral Biography Project) with pdfs of the directions and rubrics for the project. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Oral Biography Presentations will be made from March 26th to April 3rd.
Spelling: There is no spelling test this week. New lists for the February 28th test will come home this Friday.
Social Studies: The 50 state test is this Thursday, February 20th. The students were given review sheets that they should have in their filers. We will be wrapping up our Lewis and Clark unit by the end of the month and moving into our unit on the Oregon Trail in March.
Science: Last week, we started our PLTW Brain Module! Students conducted an experiment to show that messages travel to the brain through an input and messages travel back to the body through an output. We also did some partner research on the nervous system, the brain, and the spinal cord. Next, we will model the different parts of the brain and show inputs/outputs.
Math: Keep up regular multiplication and division fact practice. Thank you for your continued assistance helping your children work for accuracy on their homework as we master the long division algorithm. Our class lessons will remained focused on long division and interpreting remainders in story problems.
Religion: The students are learning about the Sacraments. All students will need to be able to name from memory the Seven Sacraments and the categories of each sacrament for a test this Friday. Study sheets are in their filers.