Dear 4A Families,
I hope you all enjoyed President’s Day/ Winter Break. It was nice to have the extra days to get a few things done around the house, and prepare for the busy weeks ahead. I was so impressed with the amazing Valentine boxes the students created!
I would like to extend a big thank you to our room mom Joeanna Purdie and all of the parents and that helped out and contributed supplies for our Valentine’s Day party last Tuesday. Thank you as well for all of my sweet valentines and goodies!
This will be a very short newsletter due to the short week. There is an all-school Mass this Friday at 2:00. Perfect uniform is required. No gator gear.
Mrs. Horton has asked that we send out this mid-year reminder:
1) The weather is starting to warm, so it’s a good time for a few uniform reminders….
* Skirts, skorts, jumpers, and shorts must be no shorter than 3″ above the kneecap. We’ve been noticing some shorter skirts, shorts, skorts and jumpers- please check and make sure your child’s uniform is in compliance, particularly if they have grown over the winter!
* Socks and tights- must be predominantly one color (red, white, navy, or black) and no leggings! On the days the weather was freezing this winter, we made a few exceptions about leggings. But now that the weather is warming, no leggings, please.
* On perfect uniform days (next perfect uniform day is Friday, February 24th)- please make sure students wear a white shirt with a red Holy Rosary sweater, sweatshirt, or vest.
2) Please help us all stay healthy!
There have been many sick kids and teachers this winter. Please help us all stay healthy. If your child has had a fever, they must be fever-free for 24 hours to return to school. Thank you!!
Just a few additional reminders for this short week:
Social Studies: The rivers and lakes of the United States test will take place next Tuesday the 28th. All students should have study sheets in their binders. Extra copies can be accessed here. Remember, there is also an online practice site for the test.
Look for math homework on Wednesday and Thursday.
Be sure your child is reading and taking notes on his/her oral biography book. Talk with your child what they are learning! Be sure to let me know if you have any questions about this project.
You can still send in Lunches of Love until the end of February (anytime really). Thank you so much for your generosity.
Have a nice/short week! I will see many of you Friday night for the BINGO Bash!