Dear 4A Families,
I hope you all had a good weekend. The snow was a surprise last Thursday but it looks like it will be a little warmer this week. Hard to imagine that March will be here on Thrusday!
Lent/Religion: As we enter into the second week of Lent we will continue to focus on our Lenten goals. In class we are using our Bibles more regularly to assist in our prayers and reflections. Thank you all for sending in your LUnches of Love. You can bring them in any day this week if you have not done so already. As a class we are all focuisng on kind actions, using the “Choose Kind” motto from our read aloud Wonder. True kindness also depends on forgiveness and a willingness to stand up for what is right in respectful and helpful ways. Thank you for your support at home.
Those students that did not take the Sacrament Test last week will be taking the test on Tuesday. Along with our Lenten lessons, we will also be finishing up our Sacrament booklets. Our Second Step Lessons will focus on understanding different perspectives and practicing conversation and compliment skills. These lessons compliment our Lenten practices very nicely.
Reading/Language Arts: This week the students will be reading the story of Hercules. As we read the students will learn about the genre (what are myths) and the elements of myths. Our language arts work will focus on working through a mini-bio poster writing assignement. Each student will be learning about an historical figure (different from their oral biography topic). After research they will write a summary of their life and accomplishments. We will use this mini bio as an opportunity to practice presenting to the class with notes cards, using eye contact, expression and voice projection.
Spelling: Spelling lists for Unit 15 were sent home last Friday. The words this week all contain silent letters. Two challenge words are required and one of them must be the word “science”.
Oral Biograply: Hopefully the strudents are reading each night in their biography. They should be using sticky notes to mark pages with information they want to include in their presentations. Have you child talk to you about what they are reading, even retell portions of what they have read. I will be going over the directions/expectaions for the project again this week and show the stuents some clips of past presentations to help them visualize what they will be doing. Next week I wlll send out the days/times of our presentations so that you can sign up your child for a time that works for you if you plan to attend. Let me know if you have any questions or need any assistance with this project. There will be no math homework Wednesday and Thursday this week to give extra time to work on this project.
Math: We will be wrapping up our math chapter this week. Look for math homework Monday and Tuesday nights that will help the students prepare for the test they will take on Wednesday. We have been doing lots of review in class, as well as with the homework. The students are doing very well with the algorithm and we are practicing multi-step story problems and writing equations to support problem solving skills.
Social Studies: We are nearing the end of the Lewis and Clark Expedicition in our class work. The US Rivers and Lakes test will take place this Thursday. There will be a word bank for the test. We will review in class on Monday, and students should continue to review at home.
PLTW: Last week the stuents worked to plan their final project for our PLTW lessons on the brain. Each group is creating an inforamtional video/slide show on concussions—teaching what concussions are, symptoms, how to heal and prevent concsussion. Our plan is to share this important information with some of the younger grade students.
That should be it for this week! We have a lot of great learning going on in 4th grade! Happy March on Thursday.
Homework Overview:
- Spelling test on Friday
- Math HW Monday and Tuesday
- Sacrament Test Tuesday
- River and Lake Test Thursday
- Oral Biography Project
Save the Date for the HRS School Play!
Bring your whole family on the evenings of March 7th and 8th to enjoy Holy Rosary Drama Department’s debut of Porridgegate! This play is full of mystery, intrigue, humor and whimsical entertainment!
When: Wednesday, March 7th & Thursday, March 8th @ 7:00 pm
Where: Holy Rosary School, Main Entrance: School Hall
Cost: Donations warmly accepted at the door
*Delicious treats & refreshments will be available from our Concession Stand!