Dear 4A Families,
Happy February! Catholic Schools Week was a wonderful celebration. Thank you to all of the drivers/chaperones that took the 4th graders around to deliver certificates. I have already seen a few certificates in local businesses. Thank you also to the many parents that helped with the Grandparents lunch and any of the other activities that happened during Catholic Schools Week. A special thank you to everyone for the beautiful flowers and Starbucks card from the class. Much appreciated!! We have much to be thankful for.
Congratulations to our 4A Spelling Bee participants. Payton and Kyle did so well and we were so proud to have them represent us!
Mid-tri reports will be in your child’s filer on Friday. Please sign and return the envelope by the end of the week. Thank you.
Next Friday the 14th we will celebrate Valentine’s Day but the Valentine Boxes are due on Thursday the 13th. I can’t wait to see what the creative 4th grade students come up with. Remember, all students are required to create a Valentine box, even if they will not be here on Valentines Day as it is also a math assignment. All students are also expected to make valentines for each of their 4A classmates. Students that will not be here next Friday should turn in their valentines early and we will be sure they get passed out.
BINGO BASH: It’s back!! Mark your calendars for Friday, Feb. 21, 2020 from 6:00-8:00 pm. It’s your chance to drop off your kids for a night of fun while you enjoy a break. Kids enjoy pizza, snacks, prizes, music and, of course, lots of BINGO!! The sign-up link Sign up here is live via the efc.
Holy Rosary students look forward to this event all year. “Bingo with the Teachers” has been the highest grossing auction item for the past 10 years!!!
Oral Biographies: The students will bring home information on the Oral Biography Project this week, and they will also be posted in the tabs above by Wednesday. I will be going over the details of this project with the students on Monday, and we will be practicing strategies in class that will help them plan, work through and present this project. All students need to have biography choice approved by me no later than next Friday the 14th. Please refer to the information sheet when choosing a biography choice. It is good to have more than one choice, as we do not want duplicates. Presentations will be made between March 26th to April 3rd.
Reading: Last week the students read an informational text on Stagecoaches and started reading the story Riding Freedom. This wonderful story is based on the true story of a girl that overcomes many challenges to pursue her dream of becoming a stagecoach driver. The biographies we have read in the last few weeks have led to discussions of the traits that have made these people successful. Qualities like grit, perseverance, determination, compassion, overcoming obstacles, courage, faith and so many more have been highlighted. When the students select their own biography choices, these qualities should be front and center as well.
Spelling: There will be a spelling test on Friday for Unit 16. Word lists were sent home last Friday.
Religion: We will begin our study of the Sacraments this week. We will also continue to review for the Liturgical Year. The new test date is this Friday, February 7th. You can access both study sheets, and online reviews in the attached link.
Math: Look for corrected math tests in your child’s filer. We are beginning our chapter on long division. Students should be visiting Xtra-math nightly to solidify mastery of division facts. Thank you for checking over your children’s math homework nightly. We always strive for accuracy with computation. Please have the students correct their own errors. Remember, all story problems should be labeled with complete sentences.
Science: Last week, students created blades in order to make windmills. They designed the blades with materials that they thought could lift a weighted cup. This week, they will continue testing the windmills to see how much weight each one can lift. Students are continuing to use the Engineering Design Process, and they will improve their designs as needed.
Social Studies: We are continuing along the trail with Lewis and Clark. This week we will be introduced to Sacajawea. The West/SW map test will take place this Tuesday. The 50 state test will be the following week on February 13th. Thank you for keeping up on regular practice/review. You can access study sheets and online reviews here.
- Spelling test on Friday for Lesson 16
- West/SW State Test Tuesday the 4th
- Liturgical Year Test on Friday the 7th
- Begin search for an oral biography topic
- Valentine boxes due February 13th
- Math homework most nights
Have a great week everyone.