Week of January 11th

mlk3Dear 4A Families,

I hope you all had a nice weekend. The Seahawks got lucky!  I was so proud of the excellent job the students did leading the prayer service last Friday! What a great start to 2016. We have Mass this coming Thursday the 15th, so students need to come in perfect uniform. I am assuming we will be having BLUE Friday again!

Reading: This week we will continue our unit of study on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement This unit will include reading, language arts, and social studies objectives. This unit is part of our larger unit on biographies that will culminate in the big Oral Biography Projects later in the year. This unit ties in perfectly with the Common Core Standards of reading informational texts. As we work through this unit the students will:

  • Focus on increasing the complexity of the texts students read and discuss, and developing skills in argumentative writing and research.
  • Emphasize speaking and listening skills as an avenue to evaluate, integrate and present information from many sources.
  • Use technology/multi-media to gather and publish information.

Language Arts: For homework this week the students will be asked to research and select an inspirational/motivational news story from 2015. The story should be positive and exemplify the best in people. Each student has a worksheet to take notes about the story. At school the students will use their notes to write the story as a reporter. The notes are due by this Thursday the 14th.

Spelling:  The spelling list was sent home last Friday. The spelling test has two parts; The SLE’s (Student Learning Expectations) and some words based on the Civil Rights Movement. Students will need to have the SLE’s memorized for the test as well as be able to spell them.

Social Studies: The Western State test is taking place on Wednesday the 13th. I may have said the 12th last week, but it is Wednesday. In class last week we will continue with the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The Corps will be spending their first winter at Fort Mandan, which is where they meet Sacajawea.

Religion: This week we will begin a study of the Seven Sacraments. Fr. Oakland will visit the class on Tuesday to talk about the Sacraments as well. The students will need to know each Sacrament and their categories for a test on the 22nd.

Math: The math test for chapter 4 will take place on Wednesday. The math homework Tuesday night will be a practice test. Thank you for going over the work with your child. Look for math homework Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Catholic Schools Week this year is from January 31st to February 6th. On Tuesday the 2nd the 4th graders will be delivering certificates of appreciation to the local businesses that support our school. This has been a 4th grade tradition for almost 20 years! We will need parents to drive/chaperone groups of students as they deliver certificates this day. Mark your calendars! Permission slips will be sent home this Thursday.

Have a great week everyone!

Enjoy the holiday in honor of Dr. King
