Week of January 15th

Dear 4A Families,

I hope you all had a great weekend celebrating Dr. King and his world-changing legacy. Just a reminder…there is no school on Monday, January 18th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Returning to school:  We have been working diligently to get ready for fourth graders to return to school on Wednesday, January 27th. You received an email this weekend from us with initial details about the return to school plan. You can also find that information in the “Remote and In-Person Learning” tab. You will get more information as the return date approaches. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. We are very excited!

4th Grade Auction Project: The kids should have received their first auction project kit (origami paper and instructions) at last week’s materials pick-up.  Each 4th grader should make 3-4 doves each, using the paper included.  Please know that they do not need to be perfect. Also, we may send home a second project kit in February if needed.

Here are 2 links for video instructions if you prefer:
Please return your 4th grader’s doves to the school office in the provided ziplock bag by Friday, January 22nd if possible.  If you have any questions, please let Amanda Roberts know. Thank you!

Catholic Schools Week Service Project:

For over 20 years the 4th grade students have been delivering certificates of appreciation to our local businesses during Catholic Schools Week.  We plan to keep this tradition alive, but of course this year we cannot do this special service as a field trip as we usually would have.  What we have decided to do Is ask families to volunteer to deliver certificates as a family.  We will provide a script for your 4th grader to read as they deliver the certificate.  We would ask that your child wear his/her Holy Rosary uniform (with the red sweatshirt) when these deliveries are made.  Attached you will find a link to a survey that will let us know if you would be willing and able to deliver a few certificates. Please fill out this form by Friday, January 22nd  Please let us know if you have any questions, and thank you in advance for your support of these very special deliveries!

Religion: The students will practice reading their Cool School News articles and prepare to present to the class as a reporter!  We will have our own Holy Rosary News station, with 44 roving reporters!  Our next unit in religion will be the Sacraments.  The Liturgical Year Test will take place this Thursday, January 21st. We will review in class this week, but I encourage you to quiz your child as well.  They all have study sheets in their filers.

Reading/Language Arts: This week we will continue our focus on the Civil Rights Movement.  The students are reading the biography of Cesar Chavez. 

Math: We are continuing to practice multi-digit multiplication. It is imperative that all students master their multiplication and division facts. Please continue to have your child work on Xtra Math until all facts are mastered and reviewed. Thank you! In addition, we will be starting to assign homework a few nights each week. The goal is to get some much-needed practice for these new concepts as well as to prepare students for a return to in-person learning, when homework will be assigned more regularly.

Language Arts: There will not be a spelling test this week. We will have a test next Friday, January 29th.  This week the students will be writing poetry inspired by Langston Hughes along with some punctuation, grammar and parts of speech review.

ZZ7FE26AAFSocial Studies: The students have a new set of states to begin practicing, the West/SW.  All students have a filled out practice sheet and a blank one to use to study.  Online practice links are also listed on the webpage. The test will take place on February 2nd. This week the students will learn about the crew members Lewis and Clark hired fore the expedition and we will begin the journey.

Science: This week, we are presenting our Brain Injury Prevention Projects! Groups will present live on zoom on Tuesday and Thursday. Each member of the group will be spotlighted for everyone to see. Feel free to pop on and watch the presentations! I will also be recording them so that we can post them to the website. Our goal is to inform as many kids as possible about brain injuries!

Have a wonderful week everyone!