Dear 4A Families,
I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We have a short but great week of learning ahead.
Thank you for turning in your permission slips for our upcoming certificate delivery. If you signed up to drive/chaperone you will be receiving more detailed information, timing, etc. next Monday the 23rd.
Religion: The students will finish up presenting their Works of Mercy posters this week. Our next area of study in religion will be the Liturgical Year. The students will be able to fill in a Liturgical calendar with the seasons and major holy days as well as understand the meaning and focus of each season. This week the students will fill out a study sheet that will be in their filer. The students will also have access to an online review site similar to their state test practices. The test will take place around February 8th. The exact date will be announced when we get closer.
Language Arts: As the students complete their Cool School News articles, they will prepare to present them to the class with strong voice projection, expression and personality. We will have our own Holy Rosary News station, with 25 roving reporters. The students are also creating a self portrait poster with a MLK quote that inspires them, and we will also be making a large MLK mural as a class.
Spelling: The spelling words this week focus on short and long “u” sounds /yoo/ /oo/. All students received a spelling list last Friday that should be in their filer.
Reading: This week students will read a biography of Cesar Chavez: “Harvesting Hope.” Our target comprehension skills are: drawing conclusions and making generalizations about Chavez’ life, character traits and achievements. As a preview to the topic and vocabulary, the students will learn about the Dust Bowl and the challenges faced by farmers during these years. In addition, we will discuss the Catholic Social Teaching: Dignity of Work and Rights of Workers. Students make connections between Chavez’ leadership and positive impact on workers’ rights and that of Dr. King’s accomplishments and influence on the Civil Rights’ Movement.
Math: We are continuing to practice multi-digit multiplication. Your support at home checking your child’s homework with them is very important. We encourage you to have your child complete one or two problems then have them checked for accuracy. In this way, if they are making errors with the algorithm they do not complete the entire page with the same errors. We will be finishing up this chapter with a planned test for January 24th.
Social Studies: The students have the final set of states to begin practicing, the West/SW. All students have a filled out practice sheet and a blank one to use to study. The test will take place on January 27th. You can access extra practice sheets and the links for online review sites in the “Map Study Sheet” tab at the top of the 4A Webpage. We are continuing to learn about some of the Washington State symbols and features this week. We are beginning our study of Lewis and Clark and learning about the skills and character traits of the captains that supported their success on this challenging journey.
Science: This week, students will be given a study guide for Unit Two “Waves of Sound”. We will review and they will get to study in groups for a class period. The test will be on February 3rd.