Dear 4A Families,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. The weather was beautiful! Such a treat…and looks like some nice days ahead. The teachers had an excellent inservice day last Friday—-both inspirational and packed with great ideas that will benefit the students. Newsletter will be short, just main reminders for the week.
Reconciliation: The students in 4A will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation this Tuesday, March 19th from 10:30-11:30. I will be reviewing the sacrament and sending home an examination of conscience on Monday. Thank you for reminding your child to take time to thoughtfully pray/prepare on Monday evening. Those students that are not Catholic or have not yet received this Sacrament are welcome to receive a blessing from Father Oakland. Even if they will not be receiving the sacrament, all students should take part in the examination of conscience.
Lenten Outreach:
Grade 4 Lenten Outreach Overview:
- St. Martin de Porres Friday lunches. These can be perishable as they will be distributed same day. There will not be a lunch collection this Friday, March 22nd. The next lunch collection is next Friday, March 29. Remember, these lunches can be perishable as they are distributed the same day.
- Additional Items collected on the 29th along with the lunches are:Last name A-M men’s glovesLast name M-Z men’s socks
- All families are encouraged to support the Rice Bowl collection.
- Each grade also selects an addional service and/or organization to support. Grade 4 will be working with the St. Vincent de Paul Society; Holy Rosary Branch. We will be making cards with uplifitng messages for some of those being assisted. We will also be donating our 4th Grade Charity Bake Sale profits to St. Vincent de Paul to be used in their areas of greatest need. The bake sale will be taking place on Thursday, May 23rd.
- In April, both 4th grade classes are signed up to bring in Lunches of Love. More information on the lunches will come home next Friday, March 29th.
Oral Biography Work Day!
This Wednesday the 20th the students in 4A will have an hour of class work time for their oral biography projects. Students can work on their notes, plan/practice any part of their presentation, ask questions or get advice from their classmates or me. Every student needs to bring in materials to either work on or practice their presentation. Students are expected to use their time productively. All students need to come to school with a plan of what they will be working on during the hour—and the materials they will need to use their time well. This also gives me a chance to check in with the students and see if they need anything as they prepare to present.
Spelling/Homework: There is a spelling test this Friday for Unit 20. Words were passed out last Thursday and the test will be this Friday as usual.
Math: From Ms. Simpson: The students in my group will be taking their division test on Tuesday the 19th. We will review in class on Monday, and the Monday night homework will contain the same skills that will be on the test. Please check over your child’s homework and assist with any needed corrections. Thank you. We will then be moving into our unit on fractions.
From Mrs. Podell: The students did a wonderful job on their long division test. We will be moving on to our unit on fractions this week.
Report cards will be coming home this Friday. I will ask the students to wait to open their report cards until they are with a family member. Grades are be personal and there here will be additional inserts in the report card that I do not want to get misplaced. Thank you for supporting this a home as well. The envelopes will be sealed with a sticker or tape. The students are making such good progress and they all have much to celebrate. Please return the envelope with your signature but keep the report card.
Homework Overview:
- Spelling test on Friday for Unit 20
- Math homework if not completed at school. Ms. Simpson’s group has required math homework on Monday fo prepare for the Tuesday test.
- Oral Biography . All students need to come to school Wednesday with materials they can use to work on their presentation during our class work time.
- Recorder practice. This is a great brain break for students (maybe not parents 🙂 )
Remember noon dismissal on Friday for our faculty retreat.
Have a wonderful week everyone!