Summer 2014 is Here! Keep the Learning Going

Dear 4A Families, ssIt has been an amazing year of learning and growth and the students have earned some time to relax and be kids.  But, without some review of the many important reading, writing and math skills we have learned this year there will be a significant “summer slide” or loss of skills. In the tabs above you will find many great sites and ideas to keep readingmath and writing skills strong with some very fun activities.

  • The main Holy Rosary Site has also compiled a whole section on Summer math resources and apps that will be great resources. I will have this site linked in my math page as well. Students that participate will be eligible for a special ice cream party in September!

Practice sessions do not have to be long and tedious.  Short but regular review times will help students retain and even build new skills. Check out the above sites with your children and make a plan for summer review.  The time you spend will be more than worth the effort when the new school year begins. The links to the right also offer many additional review and practice sites.  Those students that turn in evidence of summer math work during the first week of school can stop by 4A for some special prizes for a job well done. If you have any questions or input, please feel free to contact me.  I will continue to add new ideas and sites as I find them over the summer break.  Remember, I love to get letters and postcards in Montana.  If your child writes me, I will send a postcard in return.

letterMy summer address is:

P.O. Box 97

Seeley Lake, MT  59868

Thank you all again for a wonderful year.  Happy Summer!