Third Week of Advent

Dear 4A Families,untitled

Happy 3rd week of Advent, and last newsletter of this year!

I hope you all had a nice weekend. The snow last week was exciting, but unfortunately it forced us to postpone our prayer service.  We have rescheduled for this coming Friday, the 16th at 8:30.  This Friday is a free dress day.  Students are welcome to wear Christmas themed clothing.  No face paints or hair color. For the prayer service I will ask that students do not wear hats, but they can wear them afterwards.   We will end the day on Friday our Faith Family card exchange and the holiday  sing-a-long.

This Thursday the 10th is the big Christmas Program. Students should come dressed in their “Sunday best”—holiday wear.  All students should have their songs memorized for the program.  Copies of the songs are in your child’s filer and on the website. Thank you for practicing with your child as needed.

untitledStudents should come up to the classroom no later than 6:15. Please do not send your children into the school before 6:00 as there is no supervision until 6:00. If you come earlier to get a seat, please keep your children with you until 6:00. Thank you!

Outreach: Thursday we will have a special prayer service to bless all the items the students have been bringing in as part of our Advent Outreach. We still have lots of room in our bins for warm items and food for the food bank. Thank you so much for your generosity. All donations need to be to school by this Thursday the 15th.

  • Warm items for St. Vincent de Paul: Hats, scarves, gloves, socks, blankets, etc.
  • Monetary donations for St. Vincent de Paul
  • Non-perishable food donations

untitledPrayer Partners: Hopefully, all students are finishing up their handmade cards for their prayer partners. All cards should be brought to school no later than Wednesday the 13th. We will exchange them at our Faith Family meeting this week.  If students need nice paper for their cards let me know.

Religion: The Liturgical Year test is moved to Thursday.  Students should be reviewing each night so they can fill in the calendar as well as answer the questions about the Liturgical Year.  We will have a review in class as well.

Math: There will be some math homework the next two nights if not completed at school. Our work will focus on multiplication of larger numbers and problem solving skills as well as continued review of factors and multiplies.

Corrected Papers: Check your child’s filer throughout the week for corrected papers. I got a bit behind this past week, but I am going to to my best to get caught up this week. Thanks for your patience.

Please return signed report card envelopes by the end of the week.  Keep the report card and IOWA scores. Thank you.

Homework: Math homework if not completed at school, be ready for the Liturgical Year test, practice math facts and songs for the Christmas program.

 zz4ac8da29zz7c297378Be sure to get your recipes for the auction project in by the 16th.  You can email them to Joeanna Purdie, or fill out a paper from that will come with the students on Monday along with some other details about  the project.  If you have any questions please let Joeanna know.  Thank you so much for your support.  This will be a fun project.

Christmas vacation
: Of course the majority of the Christmas break should be all about family, fun, relaxing and playing—but hopefully a bit of time will also be set aside for some educational pursuits!  Regular reading is highly encouraged!  Curing up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate is a special treat. This is also a great time to put some added effort into mastering multiplication and division facts.  The 4A website has many great sites to explore that review and build skills in all subject areas. The students enjoy Free Rice—a site where they can practice vocabulary as well as help feed the hungry! The sites on the webpage are in subject area categories.  Remember, the 50 state test is coming up in January, as well as the rivers and lakes test early February. All can be reviewed with links on the site.

I want to wish you all a Christmas filled with joy and peace, 

and a very Happy New Year 2017. 

Thank you all for sharing the gift of your children with me, 

and for your support, generosity and kindness.
