Week of March 7th

ZZ68D5E799Dear 4A Families,

I hope you all had a nice weekend. March has certainly come in like a lion. Seems like the weather has changed from hour to hour all weekend. At least we had some nice periods of sunshine in between the rain.

disco_ballThis Friday the students are invited to come dressed in DISCO themed clothing and accessories to promote the auction. This should be interesting! Remember to follow all free dress expectations as outlined in the handbook.


ZZ5C4CC65DWe are halfway through Lent! Every class has decided on three Lenten Outreach areas of focus. Click here for a detailed overview of what the 4th grade classes are asked to contribute. The students will also have a hard copy of this information in their filer on Monday.

This Thursday the 10th the students in 4th grade are invited and encouraged to attend the 7:45 am Mass. If your child is able to attend they should plan to arrive on time. I will be sitting in the pews on the school/east side of the church fairly near the front.

Brown Bag Friday: This Friday the 11th is the final day of brown bag lunch collections for St. Martin de Porres. These lunches can be perishable. Students should drop them off in the main hallway right as they come in to school as they are delivered right after the prayer service. The extra items this week are travel-sized toothpaste and toothbrushes. These items should remain separate from the lunches. Thank you!

Religion: Lent and the Ten Commandments will continue to be our areas of focus in religion. We will discuss how the Ten Commandments apply to our actions and choices in today’s world.

 Math:  The students are off to a great start with their long division work. Thank you for checking over homework as it is very easy to make small computation errors. This week we will continue buiding this skill with larger numbers. Interpreting remainders will be an important part of the problem solving work we do. Weather permitting we will also head to the playground to do some larger measurement activities. Look for math homework each night.

Reading: Last week we enjoyed reading the Invasion from Mars, a play based on the War of the Worlds radio broadcast. This week the students will be creating their own “podcasts” in small groups. The students will create a script and devise creative ways to add sound effects that support their story line. Should be fun!

Language Arts: We will continue with our writing lessons related to writing an opinion essay. Last week we analyzed a sample essay along with the two sources of information used to support the opinion.

ZZ78086193Flat Stanley idea: Are you in need of a fun and creative idea for a Flat Stanley entry? One that several students have used in the past is a creative entry that describes what Stanley does at home when his/her owner is at school. Cooking, cleaning, playing games, watching The Price is Right, playing with the cat, etc. You can pose some fun pictures to match the journal entry.

Journal Check: Students should send in their journals any day from March 8th to March 22nd (this is a date change).

Spelling: Lesson 11 words were passed out last Friday. The words this week are compound words. The test will take place this Friday as usual.

Social Studies: Last week the students worked through a QR code activity as an introduction to the Oregon Trail. This week we will delve deeper into the history of this great migration of pioneers. This unit will move us into the Washington territory where we learn about the Whitman Mission and Mother Joseph.

Science: We have begun our next unit on the Earth and its landscapes. Last week we began at the most basic level looking at what the Earth is made up of: minerals and rocks. This week we finish up with a look at soil. We also will have some fun building sand castles and looking at the properties of soil.

ZZ07F0E8FAHomework this week:

Flyer to check out about summer Spanish camp: Spanish Summer Camps

Enjoy the week!