Dear 4A Families,
Happy third week of Advent. I hope you all had a nice weekend. The students did such an excellent job leading the Prayer Service last Friday. It was a wonderful way to end the Second Week of Advent. This Thursday is the Christmas program. It begins at 6:30. Students may begin to come up to the classroom at 6:00. Please do not let them in the school earlier as there is no supervision before that time. If you arrive before 6:00, please keep your children with you. Thank you!
- Prayer Partner cards are due Monday. I will accept them no later than Wednesday. Thank you for checking to be sure they are neatly and thoughtfully completed. Thank you!
- 4A will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday. All students should have a purple sheet in their filer with an examination of conscience and the order of how to receive the Sacrament. We went over this last Friday, and will again on Monday so that the students are prepared.
- Charlotte’s Web Quote posters are due on Tuesday. Students will be tested on their CW Vocabulary on Monday. We will have a final review in class before the test.
- I am hoping we can plan a time to share our Reindeer writing with the first graders later this week. They will bring home their cute stories to share with you by the end of the week as well. I made copies and will be grading them over the break. The first section was fully edited, the second was “lightly” edited by me and peer edited and the third section was done entirely independently.
- There is no spelling test this week, but I will be sending home the spelling words for January 11th on Thursday. They are the months of the year/calendar words. I will also have some Spelling City activities assigned with them if the students want to do a little practice. 🙂
- The students will also need to have the Corporal Works of Mercy memorized by January 18th. I have included them on the spelling sheet above.
- Your child will be bringing hom a little wrapped gift by Thursday. If they do get it out you may want to remind them.
- Friday the students are welcome to come in Christmas themed clothing. We will meet with our Faith Families and pass out our cards. Following we will all gather in the school hall for our annual all-school sing a long. We dismiss at noon on Friday.
- I encourage all of the students to clean our their filers over the break. New study sheets should remain, but all corrected tests and old assignments and study sheets should be removed. Thank you!
A Note About “Focus Items”
In the last month more and more students have been bringing in play-dough/slime/Mad Matter type items to supposedly be used as focus items. Much like the fidget spinners, the “play-dough” is more of a distraction that a tool to support focus. We will not be allowing this to be used in the classroom after the break. If students benefit from a focus tool of some type it must be small and discreet….something that can be held in one hand while the other is free to write and complete tasks. Thank you for your support.
Christmas vacation: Of course the majority of the Christmas break should be all about family, fun, relaxing and playing—but hopefully a bit of time will also be set aside for some educational pursuits! Regular reading is highly encouraged! Curing up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate is a special treat. This is also a great time to put some added effort into mastering multiplication and division facts if not already completed. It is so important that the facts are mastered. All students should take some time to review so they return with sharp skills! Thank you. The 4A website has many great sites to explore that review and build skills in all subject areas. . The students enjoy Free Rice—a site where they can practice vocabulary and math as well as help feed the hungry! The sites on the webpage are in subject area categories. Remember, the West/Southwest and 50 state test map tests are is coming up in January and can be reviewed with links on the site.