Dear 4A Families,
I hope you all had a nice weekend! What beautiful weather. Thank you all so much for the sweet birthday cards and gifts I received last week. I was truly touched and I am very excited to get a much needed pedicure!
Tuesday the 12th is class picture day. Last week the students received order form/envelopes to fill out if you would like to order pictures. I have a couple of extras if you are missing yours. Students need to wear perfect uniform for pictures, including a red sweatshirt, sweater or vest.
Reminder from Ms. Mudge: Holy Rosary School 4th Graders are invited to participate in this very special event! Bob Ingalls, music director for the 8:30 Sunday liturgy and grandfather of Kyrah Smith, has written a beautiful song in honor of the Holy Father’s “Year of Mercy”. Please save the date for Sunday, April 24 at the 8:30 Mass and your child can participate in this unique liturgical musical happening at our parish. Ms. Mudge will be rehearsing the music in class, so no extra rehearsals will be required other than arriving at 8 AM on the day of the Mass. This is wonderful outreach for the parish and participation gives evidence to our SLE’s. Thank you for supporting this wonderful experience! For more information, please contact Ms. Mudge: Thank you!
You will find a permission slip in your child’s filer and linked here to sign and return if your 4th grade child is able to attend and perform at the 8:30 am Mass on Sunday, April 24th. We are hoping to get as many 4th graders as possible. Thank you!
The BINGO Bash last Friday was great fun. Thank you so much for your support of this auction fundraiser.
Mark your calendars! The annual 4th grade charity Bake Sale will be taking place on Thursday, May 12th. Each family will be asked to bring in some delicious baked goods for the sale. We will also be in need of some parent volunteers to price and set up, clean up and assist the students during the sale. I will send out more information as we get closer.
Language Arts: Students should keep up their work on Flat Stanley. Remember, Flat People are welcome to spend a day at school for an entry. I will take and run off pictures. Let me know if you have any questions or need ideas/support. I am happy to help.
In class this week the students are writing their mini-bios based on the small biography they read for homework with you last Wednesday. We will use this small report to practice presentation skills based on the PVlegs model I mentioned last week.
At home the students should be busy reading and taking notes for their Oral Biography presentations. I will be answering questions and giving the students some ideas and suggestions for the coming weeks of preparation. Next week I will send out a schedule sign up for the day and approximate time your child will present. You will have the opportunity to select days and time if you would like to attend your child’s presentation.
Spelling: Lists were passed out last Friday. This week’s words all have silent consonants.
The Beatitudes will be our focus in religion this week. The students discover ways to “weave” the Beatitudes into their daily lives. The Beatitudes tie in very nicely with the Steps to Respect lessons as well. Look in your child’s filer for a parent handout titled Spreading Rumors Is Bullying. Our upcoming lessons will focus on rumors and social bullying and/or teasing.
Science: This week we are continuing our look at the water cycle and including our part in it. The students will learn about the human water cycle plus the terms black water and grey water. We will be discussing the importance of water conservation and how engineers are working on devices to help with this problem.
Social Studies: Last Wednesday the students brought home a Washington map study sheet for the regions of our state. This test will take place this Wednesday the 13th. It is a simple test—only six regions. Students do not need to know how to spelling them perfectly, but their spellings should be close enough so that I know they can pronounce the region correctly. We will be learning more about the features of the regions in class this week. We will also review for the map test.
Math: Our work with fractions continues this week. The students got off to a good start last week. Our lessons this week include finding equivalent fractions with multiplication, determining the GCF (greatest common factor) and simplest form, comparing and ordering fractions. Along with the nightly homework, the students will be asked to complete a “Keep My Skills Sharp” worksheet each week. These worksheets will review the important skills we have previously covered like long division and multiplication of larger numbers. The skill sheet will come home on Monday night, and I will collect them on Friday. This worksheet should not be completed in one night. I would like the students to complete about three equations nightly and have them corrected by a parent. Thank you for your assistance. Those students that have not mastered their multiplication and division facts should visit Xtramath or do some other form of practice nightly. Knowing facts automatically is one of the most important skills for success in math.
Reading: This week the students will be reading a biography on Lou Gehrig, along with several other biographies. As we read these stories the students will be focusing on the character traits that made them successful, what obstacles they had to overcome, and how their upbringing played a part in their future success.
That should be about all for this week. Remember, Friday is a half-day for Auction set-up. We pray for a successful and fun-filled auction!