Dear 4A Families,
The last week of January already! We have a busy week ahead getting ready for Catholic Schools Week which begins this coming Sunday. Be on the lookout this Friday for Mid-trimester reports.
- We are short on drivers for our the 4th grade certificate delivery on Tuesday, February 2nd from 10:30-12:30. If you are able to drive/chaperone a group of students please let me know. Thank you!
Catholic Schools Week Schedule January 31-February 6:
- Sunday the 31st: Open House will take place from 11:30-1:30. The Book Fair will be open, along with all of the classrooms. Please plan to attend one of the weekend Masses to help celebrate the start of Catholic School’s Week. Students are asked to wear their uniforms to all Masess on the weekend! Thank you.
- Monday the 1st: Look of some special letters of appreciation for parents today. Today is a sport-themed free dress day. We will also have an All-School Bingo and Read-in.
- Tuesday the 2nd: Community Appreciation/Outreach. The 4th graders will be delivering certificates today and all classes will plant primroses in the afternoon. Students should bring in shovels to help plant. Jeans day. 4th graders must bring HR red sweatshirt to wear for deliveries.
- Wednesday the 3rd: Grandparent Lunch day. Perfect uniform day. No homework—spend some family time together!
- Thursday the 4th: Perfect uniform day. Spelling Bees today. Grades 1-4 at 8:30 and Grades 5-8 at 9:30. Congratulations to 4A’s class bee winners and School Bee representatives; Tyler Petrusa and Giorgio Merca. Kyrah Smith is our runner up.
- Friday the 5th: Spirit Day! Star Wars Theme. Spirit Assembly from 9:30-10:45 we will have the always fun Spirit Assembly with lots of fun games. In the afternoon the crowd pleasing 8th grade vs. teachers volleyball game.
- Sunday, February 1st : CSW Closing Mass. Students are encouraged to wear Gator Sweatshirts to Mass. Go Seahawks!
This is just a brief overview. Look for additional information in the next week’s newsletter and the eFC. Most importantly, Catholic Schools Week is an opportunity to celebrate our wonderful school and community!
Reading/Language Arts: This wee the students will read a wonderful historical fiction story called Riding Freedom. Our target skills will be compare and contrast and understanding figurative language. Our grammar skill will focus on adjectives.
We have several writing tasks happening this week. The students will complete their newspaper articles in the lab, create an art/MLK quote project, and work on some special letters.
Spelling lists were sent out last Friday for lesson 16. I think the sheet I sent home says lesson 19—but it is the right list. 🙂
Math: The students are making good progress with double digit multplicaiton. Thank you for continuing to look over your child’s homework for accuracy. Remember, all story problems need to include both the answer and a correct label—for instance: 5,240 red marbles were used. If students do not show their work in the “My Work” section they need to include the equation they used to get their answers: 130 x 50 miles = 6,500 miles. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
Social Studies: The 50 State test will be taking place on Tuesday. I will provide a list of the states for the students to use, but they will need to know the abbreviations. There are a couple of good sites linked to the right that focus on the abbreviations. In class the students will head over the Rocky Mountains with Lewis and Clark—as they head to the Pacific.
Science: This week we will be finishing up our discussion on wind energy. We will complete our lab sheets from last week when we made and tested our anemometers. We also will be looking at our Scholastic Super Science magazines. Be sure to check them out in your child’s filer later this week!
Religion: We will wrap up our study of the Sacraments this week. In class we are looking at each sacrament a bit more deeply. Patrick Barredo will visit the 4th graders to show them some of the Holy Oils we use in our church ceremonies. Look for the corrected Sacrament tests in your child’s filer on Monday.
Have a wonderful week everyone!