Dear 4A Families,
Well, I was sure hoping to be able to write a victory sentence to start this newsletter. Such a devastating loss for the Hawks, but they gave us a fantastic season—and they are an amazing team.
Catholic School’s Week was a great success and lots of fun. I want to thank the parents that drove/chaperoned students to deliver certificates on Tuesday. I heard very good reports about the professional and courteous presentations by the 4th graders. I have already seen some of the certificates hanging in our West Seattle businesses. I also want to thank the students and parents for the many wonderful new books that were donated to our classroom library from the teacher’s wish list from the Book Fair.
It will be nice to get back to a more normal routine this week. Thank you for your support at home keeping filers organized, homework completed and study times in place. As we move into the second half of our year the expectations and workload will gradually increase. The good habits they develop now, will help the students prepare for the added challenges that fifth grade will bring. I have been very proud of the excellent work the students have been producing. We have some great adventures ahead and I know the students will rise to meet these challenges. Mid-tri reports will be coming home this Friday. Please be on the look out for them in your child’s filer.
Spelling: The students received a spelling study list for Lesson 20 last Friday. The spelling test will be this Friday as usual.
Oral Biography Information: On Monday the students will receive information and a detailed explanation of the oral biography project. You will find the directions, due dates and grading rubrics in your child’s filer. Please keep these directions in a safe place. You will also be able to access PDF versions of the directions on the website later in the week. Look a tab above “Oral Biographies”
Religion: We will wrap up our work on the Sacraments this week and then move into a study of the 10 Commandments. This Friday most classes are taking part in the First Friday Adoration in the Church. We hope to make this a monthly routine. Fr. John may be visiting the classrooms on Thursday to talk with the students about the Adoration.
Math: The students have been doing well multiplying with double-digit numbers. Working for accuracy and precision with all math computation is always expected. With only partial focus on tasks mistakes are easily made. Thank you for continuing to go over your child’s computations and having them make needed corrections. We will be moving into long division this week.
Note to Families: Last week I gave the students a mixed skill review sheet that included having the students count and add up various money amounts. For instance; 16 quarters + 14 dimes + 7 nickels + 33 pennies. This task proved quite challenging, and there were many errors on this part of the worksheet. I will be including some work with money and counting change in class along with our long division work. I encourage you to also give your child opportunities to count money and make change. It is always better to practice this skill in “real-life” situations. Skip counting quarters, dimes and nickels in various combinations. While on the topic, telling time on an analog clock is also a skill that should be practiced regularly. Thank you!
Social Studies: We will get back on the trail with Lewis and Clark this week! Upcoming map work will focus on the major rivers of the United States.
Valentine’s Day is approaching and our party will be on Thursday the 12th. Today the students are coming home with a math/valentine box assignment. Please have your child explain the assignment to you. The completed boxes are due next Thursday. No glitter please—it is quite hard to get out of the carpets. Let me know if you have questions.
Have a great first week of February everyone!